Grandpa (with Meterpreter)
nmap -T4 -A -p-
80 open http Microsoft IIS httpd 6.0
Potentially risky methods: ALL. Including TRACE (XSS Tracing) and PUT (Putting files server)
Google: Microsoft IIS httpd 6.0 exploit
Find Exploit-DB for WebDAV 'ScStoragePathFromUrl' Remote Buffer Overflow ( Per description this requires WebDAV service running in IIS 6.0 in Windows Server 2008 R2
Utilizing searchsploit against ScStoragePathFromUrl
we find that msfconsole has an exploit for it. Let's try this exploit.
Once inside the machine we can run getuid
and sysinfo
. We then realize we have x86 meterpreter and don't have admin privileges.
shows all services running on what user. If we were system we would be able to see all users running services and be able to run getuid
Privilege Escalate
Lets try to migrate
to a service running under NT Authority\Network Service
to see if it can give us NT Authority access.
Phew! That worked, although we are not NT Authority yet. Lets confirm by usinggetuid
Let's background
this session and use suggester to see if we can get access another way.
We get 9 different options. Lets try ms14_070_tcip_ioctl
alternatively ms10_015_kitrap0d
We got a shell! Trying getuid
, shows you are now NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
Last updated